Online Explainability

This module contains classes related to Amazon Sagemaker Clarify Online Explainability

A member of CreateEndpointConfig that enables explainers.

class sagemaker.explainer.explainer_config.ExplainerConfig(clarify_explainer_config=None)

Bases: object

A parameter to activate explainers.

Initializes a config object to activate explainer.


clarify_explainer_config (ClarifyExplainerConfig) – Optional. A config contains parameters for the SageMaker Clarify explainer. (Default: None)

A member of ExplainerConfig that contains configuration parameters for the SageMaker Clarify explainer.

class sagemaker.explainer.clarify_explainer_config.ClarifyTextConfig(language, granularity)

Bases: object

A parameter used to configure the SageMaker Clarify explainer to treat text features as text so that explanations are provided for individual units of text. Required only for NLP explainability.

Initialize a config object for text explainability.

  • language (str) – Specifies the language of the text features in ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-3 code of a supported language. See valid values here.

  • granularity (str) – The unit of granularity for the analysis of text features. For example, if the unit is "token", then each token (like a word in English) of the text is treated as a feature. SHAP values are computed for each unit/feature. Accepted values are "token", "sentence", or "paragraph".

class sagemaker.explainer.clarify_explainer_config.ClarifyShapBaselineConfig(mime_type='text/csv', shap_baseline=None, shap_baseline_uri=None)

Bases: object

Configuration for the SHAP baseline of the Kernal SHAP algorithm.

Initialize a config object for SHAP baseline.

  • mime_type (str) – Optional. The MIME type of the baseline data. Choose from "text/csv" or "application/jsonlines". (Default: "text/csv")

  • shap_baseline (str) – Optional. The inline SHAP baseline data in string format. ShapBaseline can have one or multiple records to be used as the baseline dataset. The format of the SHAP baseline file should be the same format as the training dataset. For example, if the training dataset is in CSV format and each record contains four features, and all features are numerical, then the format of the baseline data should also share these characteristics. For NLP of text columns, the baseline value should be the value used to replace the unit of text specified by the granularity of the ClarifyTextConfig parameter. The size limit for shap_baseline is 4 KB. Use the shap_baseline_uri parameter if you want to provide more than 4 KB of baseline data.

  • shap_baseline_uri (str) – Optional. The S3 URI where the SHAP baseline file is stored. The format of the SHAP baseline file should be the same format as the format of the training dataset. For example, if the training dataset is in CSV format, and each record in the training dataset has four features, and all features are numerical, then the baseline file should also have this same format. Each record should contain only the features. If you are using a virtual private cloud (VPC), the shap_baseline_uri should be accessible to the VPC.

class sagemaker.explainer.clarify_explainer_config.ClarifyShapConfig(shap_baseline_config, number_of_samples=None, seed=None, use_logit=False, text_config=None)

Bases: object

Configuration for SHAP analysis using SageMaker Clarify Explainer.

Initialize a config object for SHAP analysis.

  • shap_baseline_config (ClarifyShapBaselineConfig) – The configuration for the SHAP baseline of the Kernal SHAP algorithm.

  • number_of_samples (int) – Optional. The number of samples to be used for analysis by the Kernal SHAP algorithm. The number of samples determines the size of the synthetic dataset, which has an impact on latency of explainability requests. For more information, see the Synthetic data of Configure and create an endpoint.

  • seed (int) – Optional. The starting value used to initialize the random number generator in the explainer. Provide a value for this parameter to obtain a deterministic SHAP result.

  • use_logit (bool) – Optional. A Boolean toggle to indicate if you want to use the logit function (true) or log-odds units (false) for model predictions. (Default: false)

  • text_config (ClarifyTextConfig) – Optional. A parameter that indicates if text features are treated as text and explanations are provided for individual units of text. Required for NLP explainability only.

class sagemaker.explainer.clarify_explainer_config.ClarifyInferenceConfig(feature_headers=None, feature_types=None, features_attribute=None, probability_index=None, probability_attribute=None, label_index=None, label_attribute=None, label_headers=None, max_payload_in_mb=6, max_record_count=None, content_template=None)

Bases: object

The inference configuration parameter for the model container.

Initialize a config object for model container.

  • feature_headers (list[str]) – Optional. The names of the features. If provided, these are included in the endpoint response payload to help readability of the InvokeEndpoint output.

  • feature_types (list[str]) – Optional. A list of data types of the features. Applicable only to NLP explainability. If provided, feature_types must have at least one 'text' string (for example, ['text']). If feature_types is not provided, the explainer infers the feature types based on the baseline data. The feature types are included in the endpoint response payload.

  • features_attribute (str) – Optional. Provides the JMESPath expression to extract the features from a model container input in JSON Lines format. For example, if features_attribute is the JMESPath expression 'myfeatures', it extracts a list of features [1,2,3] from request data '{"myfeatures":[1,2,3]}'.

  • probability_index (int) – Optional. A zero-based index used to extract a probability value (score) or list from model container output in CSV format. If this value is not provided, the entire model container output will be treated as a probability value (score) or list. See examples here.

  • probability_attribute (str) – Optional. A JMESPath expression used to extract the probability (or score) from the model container output if the model container is in JSON Lines format. See examples here.

  • label_index (int) – Optional. A zero-based index used to extract a label header or list of label headers from model container output in CSV format.

  • label_attribute (str) – Optional. A JMESPath expression used to locate the list of label headers in the model container output.

  • label_headers (list[str]) – Optional. For multiclass classification problems, the label headers are the names of the classes. Otherwise, the label header is the name of the predicted label. These are used to help readability for the output of the InvokeEndpoint API.

  • max_payload_in_mb (int) – Optional. The maximum payload size (MB) allowed of a request from the explainer to the model container. (Default: 6)

  • max_record_count (int) – Optional. The maximum number of records in a request that the model container can process when querying the model container for the predictions of a synthetic dataset. A record is a unit of input data that inference can be made on, for example, a single line in CSV data. If max_record_count is 1, the model container expects one record per request. A value of 2 or greater means that the model expects batch requests, which can reduce overhead and speed up the inferencing process. If this parameter is not provided, the explainer will tune the record count per request according to the model container’s capacity at runtime.

  • content_template (str) – Optional. A template string used to format a JSON record into an acceptable model container input. For example, a ContentTemplate string '{ "myfeatures":$features}' will format a list of features [1,2,3] into the record string '{"myfeatures":[1,2,3]}'. Required only when the model container input is in JSON Lines format.

class sagemaker.explainer.clarify_explainer_config.ClarifyExplainerConfig(shap_config, enable_explanations=None, inference_config=None)

Bases: object

The configuration parameters for the SageMaker Clarify explainer.

Initialize a config object for online explainability with AWS SageMaker Clarify.

  • shap_config (ClarifyShapConfig) – The configuration for SHAP analysis.

  • enable_explanations (str) – Optional. A JMESPath boolean expression used to filter which records to explain (Default: None). If not specified, explanations are activated by default.

  • inference_config (ClarifyInferenceConfig) – Optional. The inference configuration parameter for the model container. (Default: None)