TensorFlow Guide to SageMaker’s distributed data parallel library

Modify a TensorFlow 2.x training script to use SageMaker data parallel

The following steps show you how to convert a TensorFlow 2.x training script to utilize the distributed data parallel library.

The distributed data parallel library APIs are designed to be close to Horovod APIs. See SageMaker distributed data parallel TensorFlow examples for additional details on how to implement the data parallel library.

  • First import the distributed data parallel library’s TensorFlow client and initialize it:

    import smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow as sdp
  • Pin each GPU to a single smdistributed.dataparallel process with local_rank - this refers to the relative rank of the process within a given node. sdp.tensorflow.local_rank() API provides you the local rank of the device. The leader node will be rank 0, and the worker nodes will be rank 1, 2, 3, and so on. This is invoked in the next code block as sdp.local_rank(). set_memory_growth is not directly related to SMD, but must be set for distributed training with TensorFlow.

    gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
    for gpu in gpus:
        tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
    if gpus:
        tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[sdp.local_rank()], 'GPU')
  • Scale the learning rate by the number of workers. sdp.tensorflow.size() API provides you number of workers in the cluster. This is invoked in the next code block as sdp.size().

    learning_rate = learning_rate * sdp.size()
  • Use the library’s DistributedGradientTape to optimize AllReduce operations during training. This wraps tf.GradientTape.

    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
          output = model(input)
          loss_value = loss(label, output)
    # Wrap tf.GradientTape with the library's DistributedGradientTape
    tape = sdp.DistributedGradientTape(tape)
  • Broadcast initial model variables from the leader node (rank 0) to all the worker nodes (ranks 1 through n). This is needed to ensure a consistent initialization across all the worker ranks. For this, you use sdp.tensorflow.broadcast_variables API after the model and optimizer variables are initialized. This is invoked in the next code block as sdp.broadcast_variables().

    sdp.broadcast_variables(model.variables, root_rank=0)
    sdp.broadcast_variables(opt.variables(), root_rank=0)
  • Finally, modify your script to save checkpoints only on the leader node. The leader node will have a synchronized model. This also avoids worker nodes overwriting the checkpoints and possibly corrupting the checkpoints.

    if sdp.rank() == 0:

All put together, the following is an example TensorFlow2 training script you will have for distributed training with the library.

import tensorflow as tf

# Import the library's TF API
import smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow as sdp

# Initialize the library

gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
for gpu in gpus:
    tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
if gpus:
    # Pin GPUs to a single process
    tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[sdp.local_rank()], 'GPU')

# Prepare Dataset
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(...)

# Define Model
mnist_model = tf.keras.Sequential(...)
loss = tf.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy()

# Scale Learning Rate
# LR for 8 node run : 0.000125
# LR for single node run : 0.001
opt = tf.optimizers.Adam(0.000125 * sdp.size())

def training_step(images, labels, first_batch):
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
        probs = mnist_model(images, training=True)
        loss_value = loss(labels, probs)

    # Wrap tf.GradientTape with the library's DistributedGradientTape
    tape = sdp.DistributedGradientTape(tape)

    grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, mnist_model.trainable_variables)
    opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, mnist_model.trainable_variables))

    if first_batch:
       # Broadcast model and optimizer variables
       sdp.broadcast_variables(mnist_model.variables, root_rank=0)
       sdp.broadcast_variables(opt.variables(), root_rank=0)

    return loss_value


# Save checkpoints only from master node.
if sdp.rank() == 0:

TensorFlow API

Supported versions

Use version 1.0.0 or version 1.2.0 or later of smdistributed.dataparallel to use this library with TensorFlow.


Initialize smdistributed.dataparallel. Must be called at the beginning of the training script.


  • None


  • None


init() needs to be called only once. It will throw an error if called more than once:

init() called more than once. smdistributed.dataparallel is already initialized.


The total number of GPUs across all the nodes in the cluster. For example, in a 8 node cluster with 8 GPUs each, size will be equal to 64.


  • None


  • An integer scalar containing the total number of GPUs, across all nodes in the cluster.


The total number of GPUs on a node. For example, on a node with 8 GPUs, local_size will be equal to 8.


  • None


  • An integer scalar containing the total number of GPUs on itself.


The rank of the node in the cluster. The rank ranges from 0 to number of nodes - 1. This is similar to MPI’s World Rank.


  • None


  • An integer scalar containing the rank of the node.


Local rank refers to the relative rank of the GPUs’ smdistributed.dataparallel processes within the node. For example, if a node contains 8 GPUs, it has 8 smdistributed.dataparallel processes, then each process will get a local rank ranging from 0 to 7.


  • None


  • An integer scalar containing the rank of the GPU and its smdistributed.dataparallel process.

smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.allreduce(tensor, param_index, num_params, compression=Compression.none, op=ReduceOp.AVERAGE)

Performs an all-reduce operation on a tensor (tf.Tensor).

smdistributed.dataparallel AllReduce API can be used for all reducing gradient tensors or any other tensors. By default, smdistributed.dataparallel AllReduce averages the tensors across the participating workers. ​ Inputs:

  • tensor (tf.Tensor)(required): The tensor to be all-reduced. The shape of the input must be identical across all ranks.

  • param_index (int)(required): 0 if you are reducing a single tensor. Index of the tensor if you are reducing a list of tensors.

  • num_params (int)(required): len(tensor).

  • compression (smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.Compression)(optional): Compression algorithm used to reduce the amount of data sent and received by each worker node. Defaults to not using compression.

    •  Supported compression types - none, fp16

  • op (optional)(smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.ReduceOp): The reduction operation to combine tensors across different ranks. Defaults to Average if None is given.

    • Supported ops: SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE


  • A tensor of the same shape and type as input tensor, all-reduced across all the processes.


Broadcasts all global variables from root rank to all other processes.


  • root_rank (int)(required): Rank of the process from which global variables will be broadcasted to all other processes.


  • None

smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.broadcast_variables(variables, root_rank)

Applicable for TensorFlow 2.x only. ​ Broadcasts variables from root rank to all other processes. ​ With TensorFlow 2.x, broadcast_variables is used to broadcast model.variables and optimizer.variables post initialization from the leader node to all the worker nodes. This ensures a consistent initialization across all the worker ranks.


  • variables (tf.Variable)(required): Variables to be broadcasted.

  • root_rank (int)(required): Rank of the process from which variables will be broadcasted to all other processes.


  • None

smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.oob_allreduce(tensor, compression=Compression.none, op=ReduceOp.AVERAGE)

OutOfBand (oob) AllReduce is simplified AllReduce function for use cases such as calculating total loss across all the GPUs in the training. oob_allreduce average the tensors, as reduction operation, across the worker nodes.


  • tensor (tf.Tensor)(required): The tensor to be all-reduced. The shape of the input must be identical across all worker nodes.

  • compression (optional): Compression algorithm used to reduce the amount of data sent and received by each worker node. Defaults to not using compression.

    •  Supported compression types - none, fp16

  • op (smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.ReduceOp)(optional): The reduction operation to combine tensors across different worker nodes. Defaults to Average if None is given.

    • Supported ops: AVERAGE


  • None


smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.oob_allreduce, in most cases, is ~2x slower than smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.allreduce  so it is not recommended to be used for performing gradient reduction during the training process. smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.oob_allreduce internally uses NCCL AllReduce with ncclSum as the reduction operation.


This function is applicable only for models compiled with XLA. Use this function to enable smdistributed.dataparallel to efficiently overlap backward pass with the all reduce operation.

Example usage:

layer = tf.nn.dropout(...) # Or any other layer
layer = smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.overlap(layer)

The overlap operation is inserted into the TF graph as a node. It behaves as an identity operation, and helps in achieving the communication overlap with backward pass operation.


  • tensor (tf.Tensor)(required): The tensor to be all-reduced.


  • None


This operation helps in speeding up distributed training, as the AllReduce operation does not have to wait for all the gradients to be ready. Backward propagation proceeds sequentially from the output layer of the network to the input layer. When the gradient computation for a layer finishes, smdistributed.dataparallel adds them to a fusion buffer. As soon as the size of the fusion buffer reaches a predefined threshold (25 Mb), smdistributed.dataparallel starts the AllReduce operation.

smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.broadcast(tensor, root_rank)

Broadcasts the input tensor on root rank to the same input tensor on all other smdistributed.dataparallel processes. ​ The broadcast will not start until all processes are ready to send and receive the tensor.


  • tensor (tf.Tensor)(required): The tensor to be broadcasted.

  • root_rank (int)(required): Rank of the process from which tensor will be broadcasted to all other processes.


  • A tensor of the same shape and type as tensor, with the value broadcasted from root rank.


Shuts down smdistributed.dataparallel. Optional to call at the end of the training script.


  • None


  • None


Applicable if you use the tf.estimator API in TensorFlow 2.x (2.3.1). ​ Construct a new DistributedOptimizer , which uses TensorFlow optimizer under the hood for computing single-process gradient values and applying gradient updates after the gradient values have been combined across all smdistributed.dataparallel workers. ​ Example usage:

opt = ... # existing optimizer from tf.train package or your custom optimizer
opt = smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.DistributedOptimizer(opt)
  • optimizer (tf.train.Optimizer)(required): TF Optimizer to use for computing gradients and applying updates.

  • name (str)(optional): Name prefix for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to smdistributed.dataparallel followed by provided optimizer type.

  • use_locking (bool)(optional): Whether to use locking when updating variables. Defaults to False.

  • device_dense: Not supported. Raises not supported error.

  • device_sparse: Not supported. Raises not supported error.

  • compression (smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.Compression)(optional): Compression algorithm used to reduce the amount of data sent and received by each worker node. Defaults to not using compression.

    •  Supported compression types - none, fp16

  • sparse_as_dense: Treats sparse gradient tensor as dense tensor. Defaults to False.

  • op (smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.ReduceOp)(optional): The reduction operation to combine tensors across different ranks. Defaults to Average if None is given.

    • Supported ops: AVERAGE

  • bucket_cap_mb (int)(optional): Size of smdistributed.dataparallel fusion buffer size. Defaults to 25MB that works optimally for most case. If you provide a value, expects the (value * 1024 * 1024) i.e., bytes to be multiple of 128.


Applicable to TensorFlow 2.x only.

Construct a new DistributedGradientTape, which uses TensorFlow’s GradientTape under the hood, using an AllReduce to combine gradient values before applying gradients to model weights. ​ Example Usage:

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
      output = model(input)
      loss_value = loss(label, output)

# Wrap in smdistributed.dataparallel's DistributedGradientTape
tape = smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.DistributedGradientTape(tape)
  • gradtape (tf.GradientTape)(required): GradientTape to use for computing gradients and applying updates.

  • device_dense: Not supported. Raises not supported error.

  • device_sparse: Not supported. Raises not supported error.

  • compression (smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.Compression)(optional): Compression algorithm used to reduce the amount of data sent and received by each worker node. Defaults to not using compression.

    •  Supported compression types - none, fp16

  • sparse_as_dense: Treats sparse gradient tensor as dense tensor. Defaults to False.

  • op (smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.ReduceOp)(optional): The reduction operation to combine tensors across different ranks. Defaults to Average if None is given.

    • Supported ops: AVERAGE


Applicable if you use the tf.estimator API in TensorFlow 2.x (2.3.1).

SessionRunHook that will broadcast all global variables from root rank to all other processes during initialization. ​ This is necessary to ensure consistent initialization of all workers when training is started with random weights or restored from a checkpoint. ​ Example Usage:

hooks = [smdistributed.dataparallel.tensorflow.BroadcastGlobalVariablesHook(root_rank=0)]
with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir,
                                       config=config) as mon_sess:
  • root_rank (int)(required): Rank of the process from which global variables will be broadcasted to all other processes.


Optional Gradient Compression algorithm that can be used in AllReduce operation.

  • none: alias for NoneCompression. Do not compression gradient tensors.

  • fp16: alias for FP16Compression. Compress the floating point gradient tensors to 16-bit (FP16)


Supported reduction operations in smdistributed.dataparallel.


  • SUM

  • MIN

  • MAX