

class sagemaker.workflow.condition_step.ConditionStep(name: str, depends_on: List[str] = None, conditions: List[sagemaker.workflow.conditions.Condition] = None, if_steps: List[Union[sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step, sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection]] = None, else_steps: List[Union[sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step, sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection]] = None)

Conditional step for pipelines to support conditional branching in the execution of steps.

Construct a ConditionStep for pipelines to support conditional branching.

If all of the conditions in the condition list evaluate to True, the if_steps are marked as ready for execution. Otherwise, the else_steps are marked as ready for execution.

  • conditions (List[Condition]) – A list of sagemaker.workflow.conditions.Condition instances.

  • if_steps (List[Union[Step, StepCollection]]) – A list of sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step and sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection instances that are marked as ready for execution if the list of conditions evaluates to True.

  • else_steps (List[Union[Step, StepCollection]]) – A list of sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step and sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection instances that are marked as ready for execution if the list of conditions evaluates to False.

class sagemaker.workflow.condition_step.JsonGet(step: sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step, property_file: Union[sagemaker.workflow.properties.PropertyFile, str], json_path: str)

Get JSON properties from PropertyFiles.


The step from which to get the property file.




Either a PropertyFile instance or the name of a property file.


Union[PropertyFile, str]


The JSON path expression to the requested value.



Method generated by attrs for class JsonGet.


class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionTypeEnum(*args, value=<object object>, **kwargs)

Condition type enum.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.Condition(condition_type: sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionTypeEnum = NOTHING)

Abstract Condition entity.


The type of condition.



Method generated by attrs for class Condition.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionComparison(condition_type: sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionTypeEnum = NOTHING, left: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties] = None, right: Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]] = None)

Generic comparison condition that can be used to derive specific condition comparisons.


The execution variable, parameter, or property to use in the comparison.




The execution variable, parameter, property, or Python primitive value to compare to.


Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]

Method generated by attrs for class ConditionComparison.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionEquals(left: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties], right: Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]])

A condition for equality comparisons.

Construct A condition for equality comparisons.

  • left (ConditionValueType) – The execution variable, parameter, or property to use in the comparison.

  • right (Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]) – The execution variable, parameter, property, or Python primitive value to compare to.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionGreaterThan(left: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties], right: Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]])

A condition for greater than comparisons.

Construct an instance of ConditionGreaterThan for greater than comparisons.

  • left (ConditionValueType) – The execution variable, parameter, or property to use in the comparison.

  • right (Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]) – The execution variable, parameter, property, or Python primitive value to compare to.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(left: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties], right: Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]])

A condition for greater than or equal to comparisons.

Construct of ConditionGreaterThanOrEqualTo for greater than or equal to comparisons.

  • left (ConditionValueType) – The execution variable, parameter, or property to use in the comparison.

  • right (Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]) – The execution variable, parameter, property, or Python primitive value to compare to.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionLessThan(left: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties], right: Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]])

A condition for less than comparisons.

Construct an instance of ConditionLessThan for less than comparisons.

  • left (ConditionValueType) – The execution variable, parameter, or property to use in the comparison.

  • right (Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]) – The execution variable, parameter, property, or Python primitive value to compare to.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionLessThanOrEqualTo(left: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties], right: Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]])

A condition for less than or equal to comparisons.

Construct ConditionLessThanOrEqualTo for less than or equal to comparisons.

  • left (ConditionValueType) – The execution variable, parameter, or property to use in the comparison.

  • right (Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]) – The execution variable, parameter, property, or Python primitive value to compare to.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionIn(value: Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties], in_values: List[Optional[Union[sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties, str, int, float]]])

A condition to check membership.

Construct a ConditionIn condition to check membership.

  • value (ConditionValueType) – The execution variable, parameter, or property to use for the in comparison.

  • in_values (List[Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]]) – The list of values to check for membership in.

class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionNot(expression: sagemaker.workflow.conditions.Condition)

A condition for negating another Condition.

Construct a ConditionNot condition for negating another Condition.


A Condition to take the negation of.



class sagemaker.workflow.conditions.ConditionOr(conditions: List[sagemaker.workflow.conditions.Condition] = None)

A condition for taking the logical OR of a list of Condition instances.

Construct a ConditionOr condition.


A list of Condition instances to logically OR.



sagemaker.workflow.conditions.primitive_or_expr(value: Union[sagemaker.workflow.entities.Expression, str, int, float, None, sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter, sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties]) → Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], str, int, float]]

Provide the expression of the value or return value if it is a primitive.


value (Union[ConditionValueType, PrimitiveType]) – The value to evaluate.


Either the expression of the value or the primitive value.


class sagemaker.workflow.entities.Entity

Base object for workflow entities.

Entities must implement the to_request method.

class sagemaker.workflow.entities.DefaultEnumMeta(cls, bases, classdict)

An EnumMeta which defaults to the first value in the Enum list.

class sagemaker.workflow.entities.Expression

Base object for expressions.

Expressions must implement the expr property.


class sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariable(name: str)

Pipeline execution variables for workflow.

Create a pipeline execution variable.


name (str) – The name of the execution variable.

class sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables.ExecutionVariables

Enum-like class for all ExecutionVariable instances.

Considerations to move these as module-level constants should be made.


class sagemaker.workflow.functions.Join(on: str = NOTHING, values: List = NOTHING)

Join together properties.


The primitive types and parameters to join.


List[Union[PrimitiveType, Parameter]]


The string to join the values on (Defaults to “”).



Method generated by attrs for class Join.


class sagemaker.workflow.parameters.ParameterTypeEnum(*args, value=<object object>, **kwargs)

Parameter type enum.

class sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter(name: str = NOTHING, parameter_type: sagemaker.workflow.parameters.ParameterTypeEnum = NOTHING, default_value: Optional[Union[str, int, float]] = None)

Pipeline parameter for workflow.


The name of the parameter.




The type of the parameter.




The default Python value of the parameter.



Method generated by attrs for class Parameter.

class sagemaker.workflow.parameters.ParameterString(*args, **kwargs)

Pipeline string parameter for workflow.

Create a pipeline string parameter.

  • name (str) – The name of the parameter.

  • default_value (str) – The default Python value of the parameter. Defaults to None.

class sagemaker.workflow.parameters.ParameterInteger(*args, **kwargs)

Pipeline string parameter for workflow.

Create a pipeline integer parameter.

  • name (str) – The name of the parameter.

  • default_value (int) – The default Python value of the parameter.

class sagemaker.workflow.parameters.ParameterFloat(*args, **kwargs)

Pipeline float parameter for workflow.

Create a pipeline float parameter.

  • name (str) – The name of the parameter.

  • default_value (float) – The default Python value of the parameter.


class sagemaker.workflow.pipeline.Pipeline(name: str = NOTHING, parameters: Sequence[sagemaker.workflow.parameters.Parameter] = NOTHING, pipeline_experiment_config: Optional[sagemaker.workflow.pipeline_experiment_config.PipelineExperimentConfig] = <sagemaker.workflow.pipeline_experiment_config.PipelineExperimentConfig object>, steps: Sequence[Union[sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step, sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection]] = NOTHING, sagemaker_session: sagemaker.session.Session = NOTHING)

Pipeline for workflow.


The name of the pipeline.




The list of the parameters.




If set, the workflow will attempt to create an experiment and trial before executing the steps. Creation will be skipped if an experiment or a trial with the same name already exists. By default, pipeline name is used as experiment name and execution id is used as the trial name. If set to None, no experiment or trial will be created automatically.




The list of the non-conditional steps associated with the pipeline. Any steps that are within the if_steps or else_steps of a ConditionStep cannot be listed in the steps of a pipeline. Of particular note, the workflow service rejects any pipeline definitions that specify a step in the list of steps of a pipeline and that step in the if_steps or else_steps of any ConditionStep.




Session object that manages interactions with Amazon SageMaker APIs and any other AWS services needed. If not specified, the pipeline creates one using the default AWS configuration chain.



Method generated by attrs for class Pipeline.

sagemaker.workflow.pipeline.format_start_parameters(parameters: Dict[str, Any]) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Formats start parameter overrides as a list of dicts.

This list of dicts adheres to the request schema of:

{“Name”: “MyParameterName”, “Value”: “MyValue”}


parameters (Dict[str, Any]) – A dict of named values where the keys are the names of the parameters to pass values into.

sagemaker.workflow.pipeline.interpolate(request_obj: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]], callback_output_to_step_map: Dict[str, str]) → Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Replaces Parameter values in a list of nested Dict[str, Any] with their workflow expression.

  • request_obj (RequestType) – The request dict.

  • callback_output_to_step_map (Dict[str, str]) – A dict of output name -> step name.


The request dict with Parameter values replaced by their expression.

Return type


sagemaker.workflow.pipeline.update_args(args: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs)

Updates the request arguments dict with a value, if populated.

This handles the case when the service API doesn’t like NoneTypes for argument values.

  • request_args (Dict[str, Any]) – The request arguments dict.

  • kwargs – key, value pairs to update the args dict with.


class sagemaker.workflow.properties.PropertiesMeta(*args, **kwargs)

Load an internal shapes attribute from the botocore sagemaker service model.

Loads up the shapes from the botocore sagemaker service model.

class sagemaker.workflow.properties.Properties(path: str, shape_name: str = None, shape_names: List[str] = None)

Properties for use in workflow expressions.

Create a Properties instance representing the given shape.

  • path (str) – The parent path of the Properties instance.

  • shape_name (str) – The botocore sagemaker service model shape name.

  • shape_names (str) – A List of the botocore sagemaker service model shape name.

class sagemaker.workflow.properties.PropertiesList(path: str, shape_name: str = None)

PropertiesList for use in workflow expressions.

Create a PropertiesList instance representing the given shape.

  • path (str) – The parent path of the PropertiesList instance.

  • shape_name (str) – The botocore sagemaker service model shape name.

  • root_shape_name (str) – The botocore sagemaker service model shape name.

class sagemaker.workflow.properties.PropertyFile(name: str, output_name: str, path: str)

Provides a property file struct.


The name of the property file for reference with JsonGet functions.


The name of the processing job output channel.


The path to the file at the output channel location.

Method generated by attrs for class PropertyFile.

Step Collections

class sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection(steps: List[sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step] = NOTHING)

A wrapper of pipeline steps for workflow.


A list of steps.



Method generated by attrs for class StepCollection.

class sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.RegisterModel(name: str, estimator: sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase, model_data, content_types, response_types, inference_instances, transform_instances, depends_on: List[str] = None, model_package_group_name=None, model_metrics=None, approval_status=None, image_uri=None, compile_model_family=None, description=None, tags=None, **kwargs)

Register Model step collection for workflow.

Construct steps _RepackModelStep and _RegisterModelStep based on the estimator.

  • name (str) – The name of the training step.

  • estimator – The estimator instance.

  • model_data – The S3 uri to the model data from training.

  • content_types (list) – The supported MIME types for the input data (default: None).

  • response_types (list) – The supported MIME types for the output data (default: None).

  • inference_instances (list) – A list of the instance types that are used to generate inferences in real-time (default: None).

  • transform_instances (list) – A list of the instance types on which a transformation job can be run or on which an endpoint can be deployed (default: None).

  • depends_on (List[str]) – The list of step names the first step in the collection depends on

  • model_package_group_name (str) – The Model Package Group name, exclusive to model_package_name, using model_package_group_name makes the Model Package versioned (default: None).

  • model_metrics (ModelMetrics) – ModelMetrics object (default: None).

  • approval_status (str) – Model Approval Status, values can be “Approved”, “Rejected”, or “PendingManualApproval” (default: “PendingManualApproval”).

  • image_uri (str) – The container image uri for Model Package, if not specified, Estimator’s training container image is used (default: None).

  • compile_model_family (str) – The instance family for the compiled model. If specified, a compiled model is used (default: None).

  • description (str) – Model Package description (default: None).

  • tags (List[dict[str, str]]) – The list of tags to attach to the model package group. Note that tags will only be applied to newly created model package groups; if the name of an existing group is passed to “model_package_group_name”, tags will not be applied.

  • **kwargs – additional arguments to create_model.

class sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.EstimatorTransformer(name: str, estimator: sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase, model_data, model_inputs, instance_count, instance_type, transform_inputs, image_uri=None, predictor_cls=None, env=None, strategy=None, assemble_with=None, output_path=None, output_kms_key=None, accept=None, max_concurrent_transforms=None, max_payload=None, tags=None, volume_kms_key=None, depends_on: List[str] = None, **kwargs)

Creates a Transformer step collection for workflow.

Construct steps required for a Transformer step collection:

An estimator-centric step collection. It models what happens in workflows when invoking the transform() method on an estimator instance: First, if custom model artifacts are required, a _RepackModelStep is included. Second, a CreateModelStep with the model data passed in from a training step or other training job output. Finally, a TransformerStep.

If repacking the model artifacts is not necessary, only the CreateModelStep and TransformerStep are in the step collection.

  • name (str) – The name of the Transform Step.

  • estimator – The estimator instance.

  • instance_count (int) – The number of EC2 instances to use.

  • instance_type (str) – The type of EC2 instance to use.

  • strategy (str) – The strategy used to decide how to batch records in a single request (default: None). Valid values: ‘MultiRecord’ and ‘SingleRecord’.

  • assemble_with (str) – How the output is assembled (default: None). Valid values: ‘Line’ or ‘None’.

  • output_path (str) – The S3 location for saving the transform result. If not specified, results are stored to a default bucket.

  • output_kms_key (str) – Optional. A KMS key ID for encrypting the transform output (default: None).

  • accept (str) – The accept header passed by the client to the inference endpoint. If it is supported by the endpoint, it will be the format of the batch transform output.

  • env (dict) – The Environment variables to be set for use during the transform job (default: None).

  • depends_on (List[str]) – The list of step names the first step in the collection depends on


class sagemaker.workflow.steps.StepTypeEnum(*args, value=<object object>, **kwargs)

Enum of step types.

class sagemaker.workflow.steps.Step(name: str = NOTHING, step_type: sagemaker.workflow.steps.StepTypeEnum = NOTHING, depends_on: List[str] = None)

Pipeline step for workflow.


The name of the step.




The type of the step.




The list of step names the current step depends on



Method generated by attrs for class Step.

class sagemaker.workflow.steps.TrainingStep(name: str, estimator: sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase, inputs: Union[sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput, dict, str, sagemaker.inputs.FileSystemInput] = None, cache_config: sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig = None, depends_on: List[str] = None)

Training step for workflow.

Construct a TrainingStep, given an EstimatorBase instance.

In addition to the estimator instance, the other arguments are those that are supplied to the fit method of the sagemaker.estimator.Estimator.

  • name (str) – The name of the training step.

  • estimator (EstimatorBase) – A sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase instance.

  • (str or dict or sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput (inputs) –

    or sagemaker.inputs.FileSystemInput): Information about the training data. This can be one of three types:

    • (str) the S3 location where training data is saved, or a file:// path in

      local mode.

    • (dict[str, str] or dict[str, sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput]) If using multiple

      channels for training data, you can specify a dict mapping channel names to strings or TrainingInput() objects.

    • (sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput) - channel configuration for S3 data sources

      that can provide additional information as well as the path to the training dataset. See sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput() for full details.

    • (sagemaker.inputs.FileSystemInput) - channel configuration for

      a file system data source that can provide additional information as well as the path to the training dataset.

  • cache_config (CacheConfig) – A sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig instance.

  • depends_on (List[str]) – A list of step names this sagemaker.workflow.steps.TrainingStep depends on

class sagemaker.workflow.steps.CreateModelStep(name: str, model: sagemaker.model.Model, inputs: sagemaker.inputs.CreateModelInput, depends_on: List[str] = None)

CreateModel step for workflow.

Construct a CreateModelStep, given an sagemaker.model.Model instance.

In addition to the Model instance, the other arguments are those that are supplied to the _create_sagemaker_model method of the sagemaker.model.Model._create_sagemaker_model.

  • name (str) – The name of the CreateModel step.

  • model (Model) – A sagemaker.model.Model instance.

  • inputs (CreateModelInput) – A sagemaker.inputs.CreateModelInput instance. Defaults to None.

  • depends_on (List[str]) – A list of step names this sagemaker.workflow.steps.CreateModelStep depends on

class sagemaker.workflow.steps.TransformStep(name: str, transformer: sagemaker.transformer.Transformer, inputs: sagemaker.inputs.TransformInput, cache_config: sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig = None, depends_on: List[str] = None)

Transform step for workflow.

Constructs a TransformStep, given an Transformer instance.

In addition to the transformer instance, the other arguments are those that are supplied to the transform method of the sagemaker.transformer.Transformer.

  • name (str) – The name of the transform step.

  • transformer (Transformer) – A sagemaker.transformer.Transformer instance.

  • inputs (TransformInput) – A sagemaker.inputs.TransformInput instance.

  • cache_config (CacheConfig) – A sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig instance.

  • depends_on (List[str]) – A list of step names this sagemaker.workflow.steps.TransformStep depends on

class sagemaker.workflow.steps.ProcessingStep(name: str, processor: sagemaker.processing.Processor, inputs: List[sagemaker.processing.ProcessingInput] = None, outputs: List[sagemaker.processing.ProcessingOutput] = None, job_arguments: List[str] = None, code: str = None, property_files: List[sagemaker.workflow.properties.PropertyFile] = None, cache_config: sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig = None, depends_on: List[str] = None)

Processing step for workflow.

Construct a ProcessingStep, given a Processor instance.

In addition to the processor instance, the other arguments are those that are supplied to the process method of the sagemaker.processing.Processor.

  • name (str) – The name of the processing step.

  • processor (Processor) – A sagemaker.processing.Processor instance.

  • inputs (List[ProcessingInput]) – A list of sagemaker.processing.ProcessorInput instances. Defaults to None.

  • outputs (List[ProcessingOutput]) – A list of sagemaker.processing.ProcessorOutput instances. Defaults to None.

  • job_arguments (List[str]) – A list of strings to be passed into the processing job. Defaults to None.

  • code (str) – This can be an S3 URI or a local path to a file with the framework script to run. Defaults to None.

  • property_files (List[PropertyFile]) – A list of property files that workflow looks for and resolves from the configured processing output list.

  • cache_config (CacheConfig) – A sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig instance.

  • depends_on (List[str]) – A list of step names this sagemaker.workflow.steps.ProcessingStep depends on

class sagemaker.workflow.steps.TuningStep(name: str, tuner: sagemaker.tuner.HyperparameterTuner, inputs=None, job_arguments: List[str] = None, cache_config: sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig = None, depends_on: List[str] = None)

Tuning step for workflow.

Construct a TuningStep, given a HyperparameterTuner instance.

In addition to the tuner instance, the other arguments are those that are supplied to the fit method of the sagemaker.tuner.HyperparameterTuner.

  • name (str) – The name of the tuning step.

  • tuner (HyperparameterTuner) – A sagemaker.tuner.HyperparameterTuner instance.

  • inputs

    Information about the training data. Please refer to the fit() method of the associated estimator, as this can take any of the following forms:

    • (str) - The S3 location where training data is saved.

    • (dict[str, str] or dict[str, sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput]) -

      If using multiple channels for training data, you can specify a dict mapping channel names to strings or TrainingInput() objects.

    • (sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput) - Channel configuration for S3 data sources

      that can provide additional information about the training dataset. See sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput() for full details.

    • (sagemaker.session.FileSystemInput) - channel configuration for

      a file system data source that can provide additional information as well as the path to the training dataset.

    • (sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.RecordSet) - A collection of

      Amazon :class:~`Record` objects serialized and stored in S3. For use with an estimator for an Amazon algorithm.

    • (sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.FileSystemRecordSet) -

      Amazon SageMaker channel configuration for a file system data source for Amazon algorithms.

    • (list[sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.RecordSet]) - A list of

      :class:~`sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.RecordSet` objects, where each instance is a different channel of training data.

    • (list[sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.FileSystemRecordSet]) - A list of

      :class:~`sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.FileSystemRecordSet` objects, where each instance is a different channel of training data.

  • job_arguments (List[str]) – A list of strings to be passed into the processing job. Defaults to None.

  • cache_config (CacheConfig) – A sagemaker.workflow.steps.CacheConfig instance.

  • depends_on (List[str]) – A list of step names this sagemaker.workflow.steps.ProcessingStep depends on


sagemaker.workflow.utilities.list_to_request(entities: Sequence[Union[sagemaker.workflow.entities.Entity, sagemaker.workflow.step_collections.StepCollection]]) → List[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]]

Get the request structure for list of entities.


entities (Sequence[Entity]) – A list of entities.


A request structure for a workflow service call.

Return type
