
Amazon SageMaker channel configurations for S3 data sources and file system data sources

class sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput(s3_data, distribution=None, compression=None, content_type=None, record_wrapping=None, s3_data_type='S3Prefix', input_mode=None, attribute_names=None, target_attribute_name=None, shuffle_config=None)

Bases: object

Amazon SageMaker channel configurations for S3 data sources.


A SageMaker DataSource referencing a SageMaker S3DataSource.


dict[str, dict]

Create a definition for input data used by an SageMaker training job.

See AWS documentation on the CreateTrainingJob API for more details on the parameters.

  • s3_data (str) – Defines the location of s3 data to train on.

  • distribution (str) – Valid values: ‘FullyReplicated’, ‘ShardedByS3Key’ (default: ‘FullyReplicated’).

  • compression (str) – Valid values: ‘Gzip’, None (default: None). This is used only in Pipe input mode.

  • content_type (str) – MIME type of the input data (default: None).

  • record_wrapping (str) – Valid values: ‘RecordIO’ (default: None).

  • s3_data_type (str) – Valid values: ‘S3Prefix’, ‘ManifestFile’, ‘AugmentedManifestFile’. If ‘S3Prefix’, s3_data defines a prefix of s3 objects to train on. All objects with s3 keys beginning with s3_data will be used to train. If ‘ManifestFile’ or ‘AugmentedManifestFile’, then s3_data defines a single S3 manifest file or augmented manifest file (respectively), listing the S3 data to train on. Both the ManifestFile and AugmentedManifestFile formats are described in the SageMaker API documentation:

  • input_mode (str) –

    Optional override for this channel’s input mode (default: None). By default, channels will use the input mode defined on sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase.input_mode, but they will ignore that setting if this parameter is set.

    • None - Amazon SageMaker will use the input mode specified in the Estimator

    • ’File’ - Amazon SageMaker copies the training dataset from the S3 location to

      a local directory.

    • ’Pipe’ - Amazon SageMaker streams data directly from S3 to the container via

      a Unix-named pipe.

    • ’FastFile’ - Amazon SageMaker streams data from S3 on demand instead of

      downloading the entire dataset before training begins.

  • attribute_names (list[str]) – A list of one or more attribute names to use that are found in a specified AugmentedManifestFile.

  • target_attribute_name (str) – The name of the attribute will be predicted (classified) in a SageMaker AutoML job. It is required if the input is for SageMaker AutoML job.

  • shuffle_config (sagemaker.inputs.ShuffleConfig) – If specified this configuration enables shuffling on this channel. See the SageMaker API documentation for more info:

class sagemaker.inputs.ShuffleConfig(seed)

Bases: object

For configuring channel shuffling using a seed.

For more detail, see the AWS documentation:

Create a ShuffleConfig.


seed (long) – the long value used to seed the shuffled sequence.

class sagemaker.inputs.CreateModelInput(instance_type: str = None, accelerator_type: str = None)

Bases: object

A class containing parameters which can be used to create a SageMaker Model

  • instance_type (str) – type or EC2 instance will be used for model deployment.

  • accelerator_type (str) – elastic inference accelerator type.

Method generated by attrs for class CreateModelInput.

instance_type: str
accelerator_type: str
class sagemaker.inputs.CompilationInput(target_instance_type: str = None, input_shape: dict = NOTHING, output_path: str = None, framework: str = None, framework_version: str = None, compile_max_run: int = 900, tags: list = NOTHING, job_name: str = None, target_platform_os: str = None, target_platform_arch: str = None, target_platform_accelerator: str = None, compiler_options: dict = None)

Bases: object

Create a class containing all the parameters.

It can be used when calling sagemaker.model.Model.compile_model()

  • target_instance_type (str) – Identifies the device that you want to run your model after compilation, for example: ml_c5. For allowed strings see

  • input_shape (str) – Specifies the name and shape of the expected inputs for your trained model in json dictionary form, for example: {‘data’: [1,3,1024,1024]}, or {‘var1’: [1,1,28,28], ‘var2’: [1,1,28,28]}

  • output_path (str) – Specifies where to store the compiled model

  • framework (str, optional) – The framework that is used to train the original model. Allowed values: ‘mxnet’, ‘tensorflow’, ‘keras’, ‘pytorch’, ‘onnx’, ‘xgboost’ (default: None)

  • framework_version (str, optional) – The version of the framework (default: None)

  • compile_max_run (int, optional) – Timeout in seconds for compilation (default: 15 * 60). After this amount of time Amazon SageMaker Neo terminates the compilation job regardless of its current status.

  • tags (list[dict], optional) – List of tags for labeling a compilation job. For more, see

  • job_name (str, optional) – The name of the compilation job (default: None)

  • target_platform_os (str, optional) – Target Platform OS, for example: ‘LINUX’. (default: None) For allowed strings see It can be used instead of target_instance_family.

  • target_platform_arch (str, optional) – Target Platform Architecture, for example: ‘X86_64’. (default: None) For allowed strings see It can be used instead of target_instance_family.

  • target_platform_accelerator (str, optional) – Target Platform Accelerator, for example: ‘NVIDIA’. (default: None) For allowed strings see It can be used instead of target_instance_family.

  • compiler_options (dict, optional) – Additional parameters for compiler. (default: None) Compiler Options are TargetPlatform / target_instance_family specific. See for details.

Method generated by attrs for class CompilationInput.

target_instance_type: str
input_shape: dict
output_path: str
framework: str
framework_version: str
compile_max_run: int
tags: list
job_name: str
target_platform_os: str
target_platform_arch: str
target_platform_accelerator: str
compiler_options: dict
class sagemaker.inputs.TransformInput(data: str, data_type: str = 'S3Prefix', content_type: str = None, compression_type: str = None, split_type: str = None, input_filter: str = None, output_filter: str = None, join_source: str = None, model_client_config: dict = None)

Bases: object

Create a class containing all the parameters.

It can be used when calling sagemaker.transformer.Transformer.transform()

Method generated by attrs for class TransformInput.

data: str
data_type: str
content_type: str
compression_type: str
split_type: str
input_filter: str
output_filter: str
join_source: str
model_client_config: dict
class sagemaker.inputs.FileSystemInput(file_system_id, file_system_type, directory_path, file_system_access_mode='ro', content_type=None)

Bases: object

Amazon SageMaker channel configurations for file system data sources.


A Sagemaker File System DataSource.


dict[str, dict]

Create a new file system input used by an SageMaker training job.


The input configs for DatasetDefinition.

DatasetDefinition supports the data sources like S3 which can be queried via Athena and Redshift. A mechanism has to be created for customers to generate datasets from Athena/Redshift queries and to retrieve the data, using Processing jobs so as to make it available for other downstream processes.

class sagemaker.dataset_definition.inputs.RedshiftDatasetDefinition(**kwargs)

Bases: sagemaker.apiutils._base_types.ApiObject

DatasetDefinition for Redshift.

With this input, SQL queries will be executed using Redshift to generate datasets to S3.

  • cluster_id (str) – The Redshift cluster Identifier.

  • database (str) – The name of the Redshift database used in Redshift query execution.

  • db_user (str) – The database user name used in Redshift query execution.

  • query_string (str) – The SQL query statements to be executed.

  • cluster_role_arn (str) – The IAM role attached to your Redshift cluster that Amazon SageMaker uses to generate datasets.

  • output_s3_uri (str) – The location in Amazon S3 where the Redshift query results are stored.

  • kms_key_id (str) – The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt data from a Redshift execution.

  • output_format (str) – The data storage format for Redshift query results. Valid options are “PARQUET”, “CSV”

  • output_compression (str) – The compression used for Redshift query results. Valid options are “None”, “GZIP”, “SNAPPY”, “ZSTD”, “BZIP2”

Init ApiObject.

cluster_id = None
database = None
db_user = None
query_string = None
cluster_role_arn = None
output_s3_uri = None
kms_key_id = None
output_format = None
output_compression = None
class sagemaker.dataset_definition.inputs.AthenaDatasetDefinition(**kwargs)

Bases: sagemaker.apiutils._base_types.ApiObject

DatasetDefinition for Athena.

With this input, SQL queries will be executed using Athena to generate datasets to S3.

  • catalog (str) – The name of the data catalog used in Athena query execution.

  • database (str) – The name of the database used in the Athena query execution.

  • query_string (str) – The SQL query statements, to be executed.

  • output_s3_uri (str) – The location in Amazon S3 where Athena query results are stored.

  • work_group (str) – The name of the workgroup in which the Athena query is being started.

  • kms_key_id (str) – The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt data generated from an Athena query execution.

  • output_format (str) – The data storage format for Athena query results. Valid options are “PARQUET”, “ORC”, “AVRO”, “JSON”, “TEXTFILE”

  • output_compression (str) – The compression used for Athena query results. Valid options are “GZIP”, “SNAPPY”, “ZLIB”

Init ApiObject.

catalog = None
database = None
query_string = None
output_s3_uri = None
work_group = None
kms_key_id = None
output_format = None
output_compression = None
class sagemaker.dataset_definition.inputs.DatasetDefinition(**kwargs)

Bases: sagemaker.apiutils._base_types.ApiObject

DatasetDefinition input.

  • data_distribution_type (str) – Whether the generated dataset is FullyReplicated or ShardedByS3Key (default).

  • input_mode (str) – Whether to use File or Pipe input mode. In File (default) mode, Amazon SageMaker copies the data from the input source onto the local Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes before starting your training algorithm. This is the most commonly used input mode. In Pipe mode, Amazon SageMaker streams input data from the source directly to your algorithm without using the EBS volume.

  • local_path (str) – The local path where you want Amazon SageMaker to download the Dataset Definition inputs to run a processing job. LocalPath is an absolute path to the input data. This is a required parameter when AppManaged is False (default).

  • redshift_dataset_definition (RedshiftDatasetDefinition) – Configuration for Redshift Dataset Definition input.

  • athena_dataset_definition (AthenaDatasetDefinition) – Configuration for Athena Dataset Definition input.

Init ApiObject.

data_distribution_type = 'ShardedByS3Key'
input_mode = 'File'
local_path = None
redshift_dataset_definition = None
athena_dataset_definition = None
class sagemaker.dataset_definition.inputs.S3Input(**kwargs)

Bases: sagemaker.apiutils._base_types.ApiObject

Metadata of data objects stored in S3.

Two options are provided: specifying a S3 prefix or by explicitly listing the files in a manifest file and referencing the manifest file’s S3 path. Note: Strong consistency is not guaranteed if S3Prefix is provided here. S3 list operations are not strongly consistent. Use ManifestFile if strong consistency is required.

  • s3_uri (str) – the path to a specific S3 object or a S3 prefix

  • local_path (str) – the path to a local directory. If not provided, skips data download by SageMaker platform.

  • s3_data_type (str) – Valid options are “ManifestFile” or “S3Prefix”.

  • s3_input_mode (str) – Valid options are “Pipe” or “File”.

  • s3_data_distribution_type (str) – Valid options are “FullyReplicated” or “ShardedByS3Key”.

  • s3_compression_type (str) – Valid options are “None” or “Gzip”.

Init ApiObject.

s3_uri = None
local_path = None
s3_data_type = 'S3Prefix'
s3_input_mode = 'File'
s3_data_distribution_type = 'FullyReplicated'
s3_compression_type = None