PyTorch API

To use the PyTorch-specific APIs for SageMaker distributed model parallism, you need to add the following import statement at the top of your training script.

import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp


Refer to Modify a PyTorch Training Script to learn how to use the following API in your PyTorch training script.

class smp.DistributedModel

A sub-class of torch.nn.Module which specifies the model to be partitioned. Accepts a torch.nn.Module object module which is the model to be partitioned. The returned DistributedModel object internally manages model parallelism and data parallelism. Only one model in the training script can be wrapped with smp.DistributedModel.


model = smp.DistributedModel(model)

Important: The __call__ and  backward method calls on the smp.DistributedModel object (in the following example, the object is model) can only be made inside a smp.step-decorated function.

Since DistributedModel  is a torch.nn.Module, a forward pass can be performed by calling the DistributedModel object on the input tensors.

predictions = model(inputs)   # model is a smp.DistributedModel object

For a backward pass, one needs to call the backward function on the DistributedModel object, with tensors and gradients as arguments, replacing the PyTorch operations torch.Tensor.backward or torch.autograd.backward.

The API for model.backward is very similar to torch.autograd.backward. For example, the following backward calls:

torch.autograd.backward(loss) or loss.backward()

should be replaced with:

model.backward(loss) # loss is a tensor with only one element as its data

Similarly, for non-scalar tensors, replace the following backward call containing incoming gradient arguments:

torch.autograd.backward(outputs, out_grads)

with the following line:

model.backward(outputs, out_grads)

In these examples, all __call__  and backward method calls on the model objects (model(inputs) and model.backward(loss)) must be made inside a smp.step-decorated function.

Using DDP

If DDP is enabled with the SageMaker model parallel library, do not not place a PyTorch DistributedDataParallel wrapper around the DistributedModel because the DistributedModel wrapper will also handle data parallelism.

Unlike the original DDP wrapper, when you use DistributedModel, model parameters and buffers are not immediately broadcast across processes when the wrapper is called. Instead, the broadcast is deferred to the first call of the smp.step-decorated function when the partition is done.


  • module (torch.nn.Module): Module to be distributed (data parallelism and model parallelism).

  • trace_device ("cpu" or "gpu") (default: "gpu") Whether to perform the tracing step on the GPU or CPU. The tracing step gathers information on the order of execution of modules, the shapes of intermediate outputs, and execution times, to be used by the partitioning algorithm. If trace_device is set to GPU, accurate module execution times can be gathered during tracing for potentially improved partitioning decision. However, if the model is too large to fit in a single GPU, then trace_device should be set to CPU.

  • trace_execution_times (bool) (default: False): If True, the library profiles the execution time of each module during tracing, and uses it in the partitioning decision. This improves the partitioning decision, but it might make the tracing slower. It may also introduce some degree of non-determinism in partitioning results, because of the inherent randomness in module execution times. Must be False if trace_device is "cpu".

  • overlapping_allreduce (bool) (default: True): This is only applicable for hybrid data parallelism/model parallelism use cases (when ddp is set to True while launching training). The library uses this flag to decide whether to do overlapping allreduce whenever a parameter gradients are ready. This leads to overlapping of communication and computation and can improve performance. If this is set to False , allreduce is performed at the end of the step.

  • backward_passes_per_step (int) (default: 1): This is only applicable for hybrid data parallelism/model parallelism use cases (when ddp is set to True in config). This parameter indicates the number of backward passes to perform before calling allreduce on DDP. This allows accumulating updates over multiple mini-batches before reducing and applying them.

  • average_grads_across_microbatches (bool) (default: True): Whether or not the computed gradients should be averaged across microbatches. If False, the computed gradients will be summed across microbatches, but not divided by the number of microbatches. In typical use case where the computed loss is averaged over the mini-batch, this should be left as True. If you use a loss function that only sums the per-sample loss across the batch (and not divide by the batch size), then this must be set to False for correctness.

  • bucket_cap_mb (default: 25): DistributedDataParallel buckets parameters into multiple buckets so that gradient reduction of each bucket can potentially overlap with backward computation. bucket_cap_mbcontrols the bucket size in MegaBytes (MB).

  • trace_memory_usage (default: False): When set to True, the library attempts to measure memory usage per module during tracing. If this is disabled, memory usage will be estimated through the sizes of tensors returned from the module.

  • broadcast_buffers (default: True): Flag to be used with ddp=True. This parameter is forwarded to the underlying DistributedDataParallel wrapper. Please see: broadcast_buffer.

  • gradient_as_bucket_view (default: False): To be used with ddp=True. This parameter is forwarded to the underlying DistributedDataParallel wrapper. Please see gradient_as_bucket_view.


  • partitioned: Is True if the model is partitioned, False otherwise. Initialized to False when DistributedModel is first created. It becomes be True during the first call to smp.step-decorated function. Once the model is partitioned, the local parameters or local state_dict can be fetched using the following methods.


backward(tensors, grad_tensors)

Triggers a distributed backward pass across model partitions. Example usage provided in the previous section. The API is very similar to retain_grad and create_graph  flags are not supported.


Returns an iterator over buffers for the modules in the partitioned model that have been assigned to the current process.


Returns an iterator over buffers for the modules in the partitioned model that have been assigned to the current process. This yields both the name of the buffer as well as the buffer itself.


Returns an iterator over parameters for the modules in the partitioned model that have been assigned to the current process.


Returns an iterator over parameters for the modules in the partitioned model that have been assigned to the current process. This yields both the name of the parameter as well as the parameter itself.


Returns an iterator over the modules in the partitioned model that have been assigned to the current process.


Returns an iterator over the modules in the partitioned model that have been assigned to the current process. This yields both the name of the module as well as the module itself.


Returns the state_dict that contains local parameters that belong to the current mp_rank. This state_dict contains a key _smp_is_partial to indicate this is a partial state_dict, which indicates whether the state_dict contains elements corresponding to only the current partition, or to the entire model.


Returns the state_dict that contains parameters for the entire model. It first collects the local_state_dict  and gathers and merges the local_state_dict from all mp_ranks to create a full state_dict. Please note that this needs to be called on all ranks with dp_rank()==0 to ensure the gather happens properly. If it is only called on all such ranks, it can hang.


Same as the torch.module.load_state_dict() , except: It first gathers and merges the state_dicts across mp_ranks, if they are partial. The actual loading happens after the model partition so that each rank knows its local parameters.


Registers a callable hook to be executed after the model is partitioned. This is useful in situations where an operation needs to be executed after the model partition during the first call to smp.step, but before the actual execution of the first forward pass. Returns a RemovableHandle object handle, which can be used to remove the hook by calling handle.remove().


Allgathers parameters and buffers across all mp_ranks and moves them to the CPU.


A context manager to be used in conjunction with an instance of smp.DistributedModel to be able to train with uneven inputs across participating processes. This is only supported when ddp=True. This will use the join with the wrapped DistributedDataParallel instance. For more information, see: join in the PyTorch documentation.

register_comm_hook(state, callable)

Available for PyTorch 1.8.1 only Registers a communication hook which is an enhancement that provides a flexible hook callable to users where they can specify how gradients are aggregated across multiple workers. This method will be called on the wrapped DistributedDataParallel instance.

Please note that when you register a comm hook you have full control of how the gradients are processed. When using only data parallelism with Torch DDP you are expected to average grads across data parallel replicas within the hook. Similarly, when using DistributedModel you have to averaging grads across data parallel replicas within the hook. In addition to that, you also have to average grads across microbatches within the hook unless you explicitly desire to not average based on your loss function. See average_grads_across_microbatches for more information about averaging grads across microbatches.

This is only supported when ddp=True and overlapping_allreduce=True (default). For more information, see: register_comm_hook in the PyTorch documentation.

Behavior of smp.DistributedModel with Tensor Parallelism

When a model is wrapped by smp.DistributedModel, the library immediately traverses the modules of the model object, and replaces the modules that are supported for tensor parallelism with their distributed counterparts. This replacement happens in place. If there are no other references to the original modules in the script, they are garbage-collected. The module attributes that previously referred to the original submodules now refer to the distributed versions of those submodules.


# register DistributedSubmodule as the distributed version of Submodule
# (note this is a hypothetical example, smp.nn.DistributedSubmodule does not exist)
smp.tp_register_with_module(Submodule, smp.nn.DistributedSubmodule)

class MyModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):

        self.submodule = Submodule()

# enabling tensor parallelism for the entire model
with smp.tensor_parallelism():
    model = MyModule()

# here model.submodule is still a Submodule object
assert isinstance(model.submodule, Submodule)

model = smp.DistributedModel(model)

# now model.submodule is replaced with an equivalent instance
# of smp.nn.DistributedSubmodule
assert isinstance(model.module.submodule, smp.nn.DistributedSubmodule)

If pipeline_parallel_degree (equivalently, partitions) is 1, the placement of model partitions into GPUs and the initial broadcast of model parameters and buffers across data-parallel ranks take place immediately. This is because it does not need to wait for the model partition when smp.DistributedModel wrapper is called. For other cases with pipeline_parallel_degree greater than 1, the broadcast and device placement will be deferred until the first call of an smp.step-decorated function happens. This is because the first smp.step-decorated function call is when the model partitioning happens if pipeline parallelism is enabled.

Because of the module replacement during the smp.DistributedModel call, any load_state_dict calls on the model, as well as any direct access to model parameters, such as during the optimizer creation, should be done after the smp.DistributedModel call.

Since the broadcast of the model parameters and buffers happens immediately during smp.DistributedModel call when the degree of pipeline parallelism is 1, using @smp.step decorators is not required when tensor parallelism is used by itself (without pipeline parallelism).

For more information about the library’s tensor parallelism APIs for PyTorch, see PyTorch API for Tensor Parallelism.

Additional Methods of smp.DistributedModel for Tensor Parallelism

The following are the new methods of smp.DistributedModel, in addition to the ones listed in the documentation.

  • An iterator that runs over the set of distributed (tensor-parallelized) modules in the model

  • Returns True if the given nn.Parameter is distributed over tensor-parallel ranks.

  • Returns True if the given buffer is distributed over tensor-parallel ranks.

  • Returns True if the given nn.Parameter is operates on the scaled batch (batch over the entire TP_GROUP, and not only the local batch).

  • Returns True if the parameter corresponding to the given buffer operates on the scaled batch (batch over the entire TP_GROUP, and not only the local batch).

  • Returns an iterator that runs over (name, param) tuples, for param that is allreduced over the DP_GROUP.

  • Returns an iterator that runs over (name, param) tuples, for param that is allreduced over the RDP_GROUP.

class smp.DistributedOptimizer

Parameters - optimizer

An optimizer wrapper for saving/loading optimizer states. This wrapper returns optimizer with the following methods overridden:


Returns the state_dict that contains optimizer state for the entire model. It first collects the local_state_dict and gathers and merges the local_state_dict from all mp_rank``s to create a full ``state_dict.


Same as the torch.optimizer.load_state_dict() , except:

  • It first gathers and merges the local state_dicts if they are partial.

  • The actual loading happens after the model partition so that each rank knows its local parameters.


Returns the state_dict that contains the local optimizer state that belongs to the current mp_rank. This state_dict contains a key _smp_is_partial to indicate this is a partial state_dict, which indicates whether the state_dict contains elements corresponding to only the current partition, or to the entire model.



  • index (int) - The index of the partition.

A context manager which places all modules defined inside into the partition with ID index.  The index argument must be less than the number of partitions.

Use smp.partition to implement manual partitioning. If "auto_partition" is True, then the smp.partition contexts are ignored. Any module that is not placed in any smp.partition context is placed in the default_partition defined through the SageMaker Python SDK.

When smp.partition contexts are nested, the innermost context overrides the rest (see the following example). In PyTorch, manual partitioning should be done inside the module __init__, and the partition assignment applies to the modules that are created inside the smp.partition context.


class Model(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        with smp.partition(1):
            self.child0 = Child0()            # child0 on partition 1
            with smp.partition(2):
                self.child1 = Child1()        # child1 on partition 2
            self.child2 = Child2()            # child2 on partition 1
        self.child3 = Child3()                # child3 on default_partition

Returns a torch.distributed ProcessGroup that consists of all processes, which can be used with the torch.distributed API. Requires "ddp": True in SageMaker Python SDK parameters.


Returns a torch.distributed ProcessGroup that consists of the processes in the MP_GROUP which contains the current process, which can be used with the torch.distributed API. Requires "ddp": True in SageMaker Python SDK parameters.


Returns a torch.distributed ProcessGroup that consists of the processes in the DP_GROUP which contains the current process, which can be used with the torch.distributed API. Requires "ddp": True in SageMaker Python SDK parameters.


Returns True if smp.init has already been called for the process, and False otherwise.


Returns True if the current process is running the tracing step, and False otherwise.


Apex Fused Layer Norm is currently not supported by the library. smp.nn.FusedLayerNorm replaces apex FusedLayerNorm and provides the same functionality. This requires apex to be installed on the system.


Fused Novo Grad optimizer is currently not supported by the library. smp.optimizers.FusedNovoGrad replaces apex FusedNovoGrad optimizer and provides the same functionality. This requires apex to be installed on the system.


FusedLamb optimizer currently doesn’t work with the library. smp.optimizers.FusedLamb replaces apex FusedLamb optimizer and provides the same functionality. This requires apex to be installed on the system.


Torch AMP Gradscaler currently doesn’t work with the library. smp.amp.GradScaler replaces torch.amp.GradScaler and provides the same functionality.

APIs for Saving and Loading

Saves an object. This operation is similar to, except it has an additional keyword argument, partial, and accepts only string type for the argument f (file). If partial=True, each mp_rank saves a separate checkpoint file and the library adds an mp_rank index to your saved file.


  • obj (dict): A saved object.

  • f (str): A string containing a file name.

  • partial (bool, default= True):  When set to True, each mp_rank saves a separate checkpoint file and the library adds an mp_rank index to the saved file. If you want to be able to load and further train a model that you save with, you must set partial=True.

  • pickle_module (picklemodule, default = module "pickle" from "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/"): A module used for pickling metadata and objects.

  • pickle_protocol  (int, default=2): Can be specified to override the defaultprotocol.


Loads an object saved with from a file.

Similar to, torch.load(), except it has an additional keyword argument, partial, and accepts only string type for the argument f (file). If partial=True, then each mp_rank loads a separate checkpoint file.


  • f (string): A string containing a file name.

  • map_location (function): A function torch.device, a string, or a dict specifying how to remap storage locations.

  • pickle_module (pickle module): A module used for unpickling metadata and objects (has to match the pickle_moduleused to serialize file).

  • pickle_load_args (Python 3 only): Optional keyword arguments passed to pickle_module.load() and pickle_module.Unpickler().

  • partial (bool, default= True): When set to True, each mp_rank loads the checkpoint corresponding to the mp_rank. Should be used when loading a model trained with the library.

General Instruction For Saving and Loading

The library can save partial or full checkpoints.

  • For partial checkpoints, each mp_rank saves its own checkpoint file with only the parameters that belong to that rank.

  • For full checkpoints, the library saves a single checkpoint that contains entire model parameters.

When saving using, each rank only holds its own parameters. If you want to save the full model, there will be some communication between the ranks to create the full model. If you save checkpoints often, you should save partial checkpoints for best performance.

When loading using smp.load(), the library can load either partial or | full checkpoints or full checkpoints saved by a non-model-parallel model. If you want to resume training with a non-model-parallel model or do inference, you need a full checkpoint.

The following is an example of how you can save and load a checkpoint:

# Original model and optimizer
model = MyModel(...)
optimizer = MyOpt(...)

# model parallel wrapper
model = smp.DistributedModel(model)
optimizer = smp.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer)

# To save, always save on dp_rank 0 to avoid data racing
if partial:
    # To save the partial model on each mp rank
    # the library will create `checkpoint.pt_{mprank}` for each mp rank
    if save_partial_model:
        if smp.dp_rank() == 0:
            model_dict = model.local_state_dict() # save the partial model
            opt_dict = optimizer.local_state_dict() # save the partial optimizer state
                {"model_state_dict": model_dict, "optimizer_state_dict": opt_dict},

    # To save the full model
    if save_full_model:
        if smp.dp_rank() == 0:
            model_dict = model.state_dict() # save the full model
            opt_dict = optimizer.state_dict() # save the full optimizer state
                {"model_state_dict": model_dict, "optimizer_state_dict": opt_dict},

# To load, load on all ranks.
# The only difference for partial/full loading is the partial flag in smp.load
# Load partial checkpoint
if partial_checkpoint:
    checkpoint = smp.load("/", partial=True)
# Load full checkpoint
if full_checkpoint:
    checkpoint = smp.load("/", partial=False)